Welcome to the main Stamp section of our websiteIn the following pages you will be able to browse through our complete list of available stamps and related philatelic items such as First Day Covers, Presentation Packs and Miniature Sheets.

History of the First Stamp Issued in Trinidad and Tobago
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The private local post of the Lady McLeod began as soon as its service started in November 1845. There were two rates: a monthly subscription of one dollar, or ten cents per letter.
In April 1847, Bryce decided to introduce stamps that were sold individually for 5 cents, or for 4 cents if bought by the hundred. The Lady McLeod only transported letters bearing stamps, or pre-paid mail of the subscribers. The imperforated stamp’s illustration was a white ship on a blue background, with the initials “LMc L” printed underneath. Lithographically printed, the stamp was cancelled by a cross drawn by hand or by ripping up a corner.[3] On the right hand side of your screen you can choose which years to view.