LinksThe following links are provided for your convenience.

The Universal Postal Union (UPU) is the primary forum for cooperation between postal sector players. It helps to ensure a truly universal network of up-to-date products and services.

The Ministry of Public Utilities (MPU) is the arm of the Trinidad and Tobago Government mandated to ensure the effective delivery of affordable and quality Public Utilities to the citizenry of Trinidad and Tobago. To this end, the MPU provides advocacy to the Utility Agencies under its purview, which includes the Trinidad and Tobago Postal Corporation.

The Ministry of Legal Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago is dedicated to the delivery of comprehensive Legal, Consumer, Intellectual Property and Registration services including Birth Certificate applications through its Online Life Event Searching and Certificate Ordering System.

The following international and regional Postal Agencies are some of the more popular places of origin and destinations for Trinidad and Tobago mail.

Please use the links provided below to learn more about each Postal Agency.

The United States Postal Service.
The United Kingdom Postal Service.
The Canadian Postal Service.
The Barbados Postal Service.
The Jamaican Postal Service.

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