Permit Post

Benefits of Permit Post
Permit Post
Saves Time
- Bulk Mailers will no longer have to frank bulk mail prior to lodgment.
- Mail processing will be faster, that is, it skips a process and the mail goes directly to the stage of primary sorting.
- Delivery of bulk mail can be improved by efficiently reaching customers.
- Returned Mail can be dealt with efficiently by the processing of Permit Post pre-printed numbers rather than just a returned address.
Cost Effective
- Bulk mailers will no longer need to assign employees to frank mail.
- Bulk mailers will no longer have the inconvenience of periodically revalidating franking machines.
- Customers may have the choice of enjoying a credit facility in accordance with TTPost’s credit policy.
How to lodge permit post?
- Customer must place Permit Post mail into a TTPost mail tray facing upwards.
- The original, along with two copies of the Statement of Posting form, must be lodged with the Permit Post mail at pre-assigned TTPost locations.
- The original Statement of Posting form will be date stamped and returned to the customer.
Contact TTPost today to begin receiving this service.